16th Karmapa Meditation Mondays 7:30 pm
16th Karmapa Meditation
Tuesdays 7:30 pm
Intro talk and 16th Karmapa Meditation
Tuesdays 7:30pm
16th Karmapa Meditation
Wednesdays 7 pm
The Australian Diamond Way Buddhist centres meet every week for group meditations, courses and special events. Throughout the year, we host national and international teachers. Please check this website regularly to keep up-to-date with the latest information.
In every centre around Australia, friends and newcomers alike get together at least once a week to do the Three Lights Meditation on the 16th Karmapa. For more information on what to expect when visiting our centres, see the Diamond Way Centre FAQ.
“Due to unforeseen circumstances the Northern Rivers Buddhist centre will not be meeting for our regular Wednesday night meditation for a little while. Please watch this space and we will soon announce the new times and location. Thanks, the Sangha of Northern Rivers Diamond Way Buddhist Centre.”
16th Karmapa meditation
Tuesdays 7:15 pm
16th Karmapa meditation
8:30 pm Wednesdays (every first and third Wednesday of the month)
16th Karmapa Meditation
Wednesdays 7:00pm
Intro talk and Meditation
Mondays 8pm
Weekday Meditations
Wednesday – Friday 8pm
Meditate More Weekend
Third Weekend of the month
16th Karmapa Meditation
Mondays 7:30 pm
16th Karmapa Meditation
Tuesdays 7:30 pm
Introduction talk and 16th Karmapa meditation
Tuesdays 7:30 pm
16th Karmapa Meditation
Talk and Meditation
Monday and Wednesday 7:30 pm