16th Karmapa Meditation Mondays 7:30 pm
16th Karmapa Meditation
Tuesdays 7:30 pm
Intro talk and 16th Karmapa Meditation
Tuesdays 7:30pm
16th Karmapa Meditation
Wednesdays 7 pm
A stupa is a Buddhist monument that contributes to the preservation of peace and harmony in the world. These architectural structures symbolize Buddhist activity and express in a perfect form the pure nature of mind, enlightenment. According to the Buddhist tradition, Stupas produce a positive influence on their surroundings and those who encounter them.
Diamond Way Buddhism is a worldwide network for lay people from all walks of life, who incorporate Buddhist practice in their daily lives. Diamond Way Buddhism belongs to the thousand-year-old Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Lama Ole Nydahl, a Western Buddhist master born in Denmark, established Diamond Way Buddhism in the 1970’s, together with his wife Hannah Nydahl. Their main teacher the 16th Karmapa asked them to teach what they had learned and to start Buddhist centres in the West.
The goal of Buddhism is a state of lasting, unconditional happiness known as enlightenment. To bring us to this state, Buddhism points us to lasting values in this impermanent world and gives us valuable information about how things really are. Through understanding the law of cause and effect, using practical tools like meditation to gain insight and develop compassion and wisdom, we — all of us — can tap into our potential to realise the ultimate goal of enlightenment. You can read more about Diamond Way Buddhism here https://diamondway.org.au/about
Sometime around 2013, friends went to the annual Europe Centre summer course and had the chance to bid for a statue for the East Melbourne centre in Australia. This was at a time when statues were offered to centres around the world.
A Buddha statue was chosen and made the trip all the way down under to its new home, together with a card signed by friends and Lama Ole Nydahl. That card had Lama Ole’s wish for Melbourne to have a Diamond Way stupa.
In 2013 at the inauguration of the East Melbourne centre Lama Ole Nydahl clarified that wish was for a stupa of enlightenment.
Fast forward to 2024, with Australian friends putting their energies into fulfilling Lama Ole’s wish. Now we are looking for land to buy for the future stupa in Australia.
If you’d like to support the project, you can donate, whether a little or a lot, regularly or one-off.
Bank transfer:
BSB: 062 231
ACCOUNT: 1041 7622
REFERENCE: Stupa donation
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